emblem Technische Universität Berlin Technische Universität Berlin
Mineralogical Collections
Dr. Susanne Herting-Agthe, Sekr. BH 1, Ernst-Reuter-Platz 1
D-10587 Berlin, tel ++49 (0)30 - 314 22254, fax 314 21124

    native copper, skeleton crystal


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Copper, skeleton crystal, Tsumeb/Namibia
  foto: Monika Günther
Copper (native copper)
Cu    isometric - hex'octahedral, m -3 m (4/m  -3  2/m)
Octahedral skeleton crystal, preferential crystal growth on the octahedron edges.  Octahedral growth hills on the surfaces.
Tsumeb, Otavi area, Namibia.
Height of the crystal: 4,2 cm.  Inv.No. 57/1095.
crystal drawing, Copper skeleton crystal

Crystal drawing, copper octahedral skeleton crystal
Octahedron {111}, with small rhombododecahedral faces  {110}, 
skeleton like and tabular on some cube faces {100}, 
with small octahedral growth hills on the surfaces.

last version: 2002-06-16